Wine, wine and more wine!

Every now and again I get a call out of the blue asking if I want to spend a day (or two or three) pouring wine. So all day yesterday and all day today I was/am at the Palazzo/Venetian pouring wine for conventioneers attending the G2E (Global Gaming Expo). Now if you like wine as much as I do — not just drinking it, but talking about it, learning about it, sharing it — this is like having a party and getting paid for it!

Wine! What’s not to like?

So yesterday morning I headed out in plenty of time (I thought) because I remember parking at the Palazzo is a nightmare. As I got in the car, I remembered I needed to get gas. “Well, I can do that on the way home,” I told myself as I pulled onto the freeway — and hit a wall of traffic. Ten minutes later, I joined the long line of cars crawling down the exit. Finally got onto Las Vegas Boulevard — a straight shot — and hit every red light. The only light that wasn’t red was the little gas pump shaped yellow light flashing on my dashboard. Oh, great. My cushion of time was evaporating and I frantically tried to think of where a gas station was — and suddenly there was an Arco sign! A couple blocks out of the way, but who cared? I pulled in, got enough gas to get there and back, pulled out onto the sidestreet and a block later I realized I was in the “bus only” lane and I was going the wrong way. No bus materialized, however, and I managed to turn off. Another 3 minutes gobbled up.

By the time I reached the Palazzo garage I had 5 minutes to get upstairs, through the casino and the long walk down the hall all the way to the back of the convention center. This replaced the morning walk I’d missed. And YES! I made it!! So … on to the actual tasting.

This time I had a really great assortment to pour, three reds and three whites and it was a wide assortment. The whites were a sparkling wine — Proseco from Italy — a Chardonnay and a Moscato. The reds were Pinot Noir, Merlot and a blend of 3 reds by Menage a Trois. (Well it wouldn’t make sense for it to be a blend of 4 reds with that name.)

The convention was open 10-5 and we poured pretty steadily all that time. Everyone loved the Menage a Trois — it was the wine of the day. The sweet Moscato was the second favorite and after that the Proseco. As I was putting everything away at the end, I realized that I had barely made a dent in the Chardonnay and the Pinot Noir — lots of that left. Those are my two least favorite wines and although I simply poured what people asked for, I couldn’t help but wonder if I subconsciously slighted those two. You know, somehow subliminally broadcasting the message that “that’s swill …” although the people who tasted them seemed to enjoy them. But hey, what’s not to enjoy about free wine, huh?

So today I’ll see if the trend changes. And for my money, give me a big juicy Zinfandel any day of the week. Every day, even!

About robinskone

Since my blog is about Phyllis Diller, you've probably figured out that I know her. Knew her. Worked for her as personal/private/executive (take your pick) secretary for a couple of years back when she was in her heyday. I've had lots of interesting jobs -- worked for her manager for a few years. He also mnaged the likes of Dyan Cannon, George Gobel, Diahann Carroll, Candice Bergen, Jack Jones and more. I lived in Houston for awhile and in 1980 (Oh, that is so last century!) I married and moved to Las Vegas. I worked for the U.S. Attorney's office here in LV and now am happily retired, playing golf, throwing pottery (no, not at the wall, on a potter's wheel), teaching after-school Bible clubs, and generally enjoying life getting over to California wine country as often as possible and collecting wine (at least long enough to chill it before I pull the cork). I have three cats -- well, maybe four -- living with me. The fourth is the neighborhood stray who sleeps on my patio furniture and enjoys the fresh water, shade and cool grass. To sleep on -- grass to sleep on. I'd love to hear from you -- talk about Phyllis, comedy, wine, cats, golf, whatever makes you happy.
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